As one who has aged with a combination of injuries that is most likely from overuse as a teenage dancer, I’ve tried to be more aware of my body as an adult — aware of how each movement feels, whether I’m in a class for dance, yoga or Pilates; as well as how often I’m working out.

I’ll admit to having done 2 a days in recent memory while trying to lose weight (although yoga + hip-hop isn’t tipping any high endurance scales), but I am amazed at the lengths some people will go to in order to continue running or working out. It was certainly one of the reasons I’d suggested this as a topic for our blog.

Why rest is an important part of your exercise regime

with advice from Mark Salandra, CSCS

We’ve all seen professional athletes push through pain, playing with sore muscles, injured joints and even broken bones. No pain, no gain, right? Wrong. More healthcare providers and professional trainers are acknowledging that rest is a key component of any exercise regimen.

Working out is a traumatic experience for your body. It puts your muscles, joints and connective tissue are under stress, and temporarily weakens the immune system. This is why Mark Salandra, the founder of (one of Physiquality’s partner programs) says that the more rested you are, the better you’ll perform. “It is only after your workout, when you are resting and replenishing your body with protein and other nutrients, when the body heals and gets stronger. This is why I live by the motto, ‘Train hard, but rest harder,’” says Mark, a certified strength and conditioning specialist.

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