When the TV show The Biggest Loser started becoming popular, my husband’s office had a weight-loss challenge. While I appreciated the attempt, focusing on weight loss versus making healthier choices is a tricky path. People who focus on weight loss, as compared to determining to living a healthier life, rarely keep the weight off.

When I stumbled upon the Global Employee Health and Fitness Month website, I thought its goals were much more attainable, and the idea of a challenge that could be adapted to a variety of environments was great. Unfortunately, as I don’t think my office mates of toddler boy and five-year-old bulldog are up for the idea, I’ll have to focus on my own decisions, which is why I’ve been challenging myself to work out at least 30 minutes a day for six days out of the week. What’s your challenge?

Challenge your office to be healthy

with advice from Mitch Kaye, PT, Stefania Della Pia and Polar

Did you know that May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month? Created by the National Association for Health & Fitness (NAHF), a network of state-based councils and groups that promote healthy living, the group encourages daily physical activity and quality physical education in our schools. Through Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, the NAHF asks employers to create a workplace environment that promotes healthier living.

There are a variety of reasons to do this as a business owner or manager, or for employees to suggest it to their bosses. For a start, the CDC points out that healthier employees take fewer sick days, incur lower healthcare costs and are more productive; in fact, one study found that by promoting physical fitness and regular check-ups, employer healthcare costs could be cut in half. In addition, wellness programs can be seen by some prospective employees as a great benefit. It shows that the company is willing to invest in its employees, leading to a more positive work environment, better morale and higher retention.

Read the full entry at physiquality.com!