It’s strange to see that the Fall 2021 semester has been billed as back to normal while, well, not everything is. As with so many others on and off campus, we are doing our best to help students adapt to life on campus, whether they are first-time students or returning seniors.

[Image description: Two women wearing face masks sitting behind a table with red and blue dropcloths. The table features a laptop and large screen showing the SMU Libraries website. The table also has giveaways for students like hand sanitizer, tissues and pencil bags. Two large signs to their right show a graphic for SMU Libraries and a guide to other Meet the Academy events held on the same day.]
Photo taken by Christine Milazzo for SMU Libraries; used with permission.

We interns staffed a table at Fondren Library during an event known as Meet the Academy. We joined a variety of on campus organizations who help students succeed here in Dallas and elsewhere, from the Office of Engaged Learning to study abroad programs. Our goal was to meet new and returning students and to let them know all about SMU Libraries, our website and services, and how to reach out to us and ask questions.

Traffic was slow but steady, and we had an equal number of visitors that were familiar — and happy with — our services, and those that were eager for a tour of the website, along with a quick tutorial on how to reserve a study room or use chat to ask questions of librarians. It was a good reminder that students still need us, whether they are reaching out in person or online.