Honoring the spirit of exploration inherent in this class, I’ve created a presentation using Prezi, my first time using the software. While I created the presentation, I learned a few things about Prezi:

  • Prezi presentations don’t embed in WordPress well. There are apparently a couple of plug-ins that might help with that, but we can’t use those here.
  • I recorded a video of my Prezi presentation, then realized I can’t add captions afterward. So the video slides only show summations of my points, and not the full text.
  • So I also reverted my slides back to a audio-free version, where the slides have the full information.

The video presentation is embedded below.

And here is a link to the audio-free, full-text version, on the Prezi site: https://prezi.com/view/w2zPIwUADm0bYrKCodHB/

It has been a joy to explore the hyperlinked library with all of you. Good luck, and here’s to better things (and a vaccine) in 2021!