The idea of using technology to measure movement is nothing new at modern universities. Many use technology to study movement for research, but these laboratories and research facilities are often associated with physical therapy or kinesiology programs, and their goal is usually to study movement in order to make treatment of injuries better, or to condition athletes to be faster or stronger.
But some universities are exploring the art of movement through technology. Groups like The Movement Lab at Barnard College and the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design at The Ohio State University (henceforth to be referred to as ACCAD and OSU, respectively) are using technology to encourage students and faculty to explore and experiment in the arts. These universities are encouraging their communities to learn about the use of technology by playing with it, just as the LEGO Foundation discussed professional learning for their employees.

This director’s brief explores these new labs that bring together both technical and artistic creators, giving them the chance to experiment with technology in their movement and performances. As a dancer with more than 35 years of training under her belt, it was amazing to investigate the possibilites these labs offer their students, faculty and staff at their respective universities.