I joined the board for the Friends of the University Park Public Library two years ago. I was new to our town, and knew that it would be a good way to meet other readers in the area. They needed help with email marketing and the occasional edit to the website. Perfect!

The website was, well, a bit outdated. I was happy to hear this year that our board president wanted to give it an update, and I joined the team to revamp it. While we didn’t do the design ourselves (the company that we use to run the site had templates for that) I worked with the team to redo the content navigation, and I did some copywriting and editing to update information and make it easy to find information.

Screengrabs of the website for the Friends of the University Park Public Library, before and after the website update.
Image description: Screengrabs of the website for the Friends of the University Park Public Library, before and after the website update.

Considering that we finished the work in less than two months, as a team, I think we did pretty well. The site has a much better aesthetic, is mobile-friendly, and shares lots of images of our team and the programming we do for the Friends and the library.

Take a look at the new website and judge for yourself!