I am happy to announce that mizzouatlanta.com is now online!

When I moved to Atlanta from New York (where I worked on mizzounyc.com for three years), the first thing I did was search for the local Mizzou alumni chapter’s website… which did not exist. Because our move coincided with Mizzou’s move to the SEC, our alumni association has unsurprisingly wanted a stronger presence here in Atlanta, and I was more than happy to join the team of volunteers to help make that happen.

Within the last year, we’ve gone from a barebones existence to Capstone status, an achievement that will allow us to give out several scholarships and receive a decent funding from the alumni association, all of which will allow us to continue to grow. I’m proud to say that I began working with Alumni Spaces, the team behind the site’s design, back when they formed the company in New York just as we were leaving in 2011. I gave them feedback on their original layouts and promised to contact them should I be able to serve the Atlanta chapter as Secretary. A year later, they were helping us build our site; a few months after that, they signed a contract with the MAA to work on all Mizzou alum sites. I’m so proud to have known them throughout this entire process, and glad that they were able to help us build our own site.

* This website is no longer active; the above link is to an archived copy of the website.